History, People, & Purpose
2022- Present
Strategic Spartanburg
Purpose: To report on data and engage the community in dialogue and strategy that leads to positive change in Spartanburg County
Founding Executive Director:
Midas Hampton
Set up the Spartanburg Community Indicators Project as a standalone 501c3 non-profit under the new name, Strategic Spartanburg.
Continued partnership and investment from Sponsoring Partners
Blue Meridian Partners investment via Spartanburg Academic Movement
Selection of Founding Executive Director, Midas Hampton
Rebranded: New logo, tagline, and website
Data dashboard subgrant from Purpose Built Communities and Truist Foundation.
Development of the Four Pillars of Impact: Data - Research - Policy - Evaluation
Indicators 2.0
Purpose: To launch a web-based data delivery model of key data to drive community action.
Moved to a web-based data delivery model to improve real-time access to data.
Obtained funding to onboard first administrative staff.
Focused strategic planning for operational strength and sustainability.
Racial Equity Index
Purpose: To ensure that racial equity is embedded in Community transformation
Data Collection:
Dr. Kathleen Brady
Kara Davis
Data sources continue to be completed by the Metropolitan Studies Institute at USC Upstate.
Released Spartanburg Racial Equity Index in August 2018.
Convenings and data reports to the community will no longer be held.
Purpose: To determine the best path forward to report data for The community.
Data Collection: Dr. Kathleen Brady
Merged with OneSpartanburg Inc. under the Executive Vice President role for a brief period.
Conducted strategic planning with Dr. Linda Salane.
Determined that consultant was no longer needed.
Expanding Partnerships
Purpose: To interconnect efforts of community organizations across Spartanburg County.
Project Director: Becky Slayton
Data Collection: Dr. Kathleen Brady
In 2014, Mary Black Foundation and Spartanburg Regional Foundation joined as partners in the Project to provide additional support for the Project’s community engagement efforts.
In 2015, the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce joined as the seventh partner.
Cultural Vitality was added as a seventh Indicator Area.
Indicator Area Leaders identified.
Purpose: To determine the vision,
goals and strategies that will guide the Spartanburg Community Indicators Project for the next 3 years.
Consultant: Level Smart Consulting
Project Director: Becky Slayton
Data Collection: Dr. Kathleen Brady
Completed a 360º Review with 37 community members
Released Dashboards on natural environment and civic health indicators
Held a community convening around the natural environment indicator
Convened 30 community leaders to discuss the future directions of the Project and Spartanburg
The Project’s partners and several of their board members worked together to develop a path forward
Completed a 3-year strategic plan
Dashboards and Convening
Purpose: To improve Community understanding and knowledge of the many issues facing Spartanburg County.
Consultants: Wisdom Selling Solutions. Project Coordinator: Sharyn Pittman
Data Collection: Dr. Kathleen Brady
Launched new brand in February 2009
Indicators known as a national best practice
The 40/30 Challenge, Access to Health, and Childhood Obesity Taskforce stemmed from Community Indicators
10 Goals became 6 indicators
Released Dashboards on economy, social environment, education, health, and natural environment indicators
Granted over $17,000 mini-grants to nonprofit organizations
Community partner convenings were held to discuss 4 of the 6 indicators
Completed a 360º Review, completed a 3-year strategic plan
Purpose: To use volunteer and citizen influence of Spartanburg to seek implementation of the recommendations in the Community Improvement Plan.
Community Data Group Chair
Dr. Doris Paez
Community Engagement Chair
Laura Bauknight
Project Coordinator
Sharyn Pittman
Held press conference with 200 people in attendance to release the Community Improvement Plan
Established Cabinet with 6 members representing the sponsors
Formed The Project Enhancement Team with 32 community leaders and Dr. Jim Ray as chairman
Launched website strategicspartanburg.org
Added USC Upstate as a 4th partner
Community Planning
Purpose: To influence the improvement of Spartanburg and the quality of life for its citizens.
Consultants: Stan Davis and JoAnn Brasington, Clemson University
Spartanburg County joins in as a major sponsor and funder
Formed the Community Indicators Impact Council with 33 community leaders
Established 10 task force groups that included over 300 people to review issues, prioritize the most immediate concerns, and identify opportunities we have to improve
Gathered public input from 10 community forums plus community program experts
175 strategies recommended
Spotlighting Issues
Purpose: To highlight key issues and trends in Community Indicators VI : Strategic Spartanburg to mobilize citizen action on areas of concern.
Formed a Speaker’s Bureau
Participated in speaking engagements and community forums that reached 1,368 people - groups included: the African American Family Summit, 250 faith community, pastors and lay leaders, 85 Christian faith community, 50 civic clubs, 380 education groups, 22 nonprofit agencies, 376 area Chamber councils, 94 public gatherings, 111+ people through television, radio, and print
25 Resolutions were signed
2003 – 2004
Data Collection
Purpose: To improve community understanding and knowledge of the many issues facing Spartanburg County.
Consultants: PACT Inc., The Institute at Biltmore and The Southern Agency, Inc.
Spartanburg County Foundation partnered with United Way of the Piedmont to create the 6th edition of Community Indicators
Secured funding from 11 local Funders
Established an Advisory Committee of 38 members from the public, private, and non-profit sector
Conducted 6 focus groups, including 68 community leaders
Held a Citizens Input Day that included 100 people
180 indicators narrowed down to 60
Established 10 Goals
1987 – 2002
Transforming The Indicators
Critical Indicators
Purpose: To improve community understanding and knowledge of the many issues facing Spartanburg County.
John Wardlaw and The Spartanburg County Foundation Trustees had a vision to measure the quality of life in Spartanburg; a team of volunteers gathered data to produce the first Critical Indicators Report.
Indicators reported in five broad areas: education, family, economics, health & crime.
5,000 copies are distributed- data and content is used by the community and organizations.
Spartanburg Adult Learning Center was founded to address adult education trends in Spartanburg.
The Spartanburg County Foundation partners with the Chamber of Commerce to produce Community Indicators .