Data Dashboards
Get access to data centers, dashboards, and indexes for Spartanburg County
Strategic Spartanburg Dashboards
Spartanburg Food Security
In-depth data on food security across census tract, municipal, and county levels to support data-driven decision-making in addressing food access disparities.
Spartanburg Upward Mobility
Insights through—Rewarding Work, High-Quality Education, Opportunity-Rich Neighborhoods, Healthy Environment, and Responsive Governance.
Spartanburg County Community Indicators Project
View various data and trends among seven indicators to gauge overall health of the community and its residents.
External Dashboards
Black Progress Index
Understand the health and well-being of Black people and the conditions that shape their lives.
Census Reporter
An independent project to make it easier for you to write stories using information from the U.S. Census bureau. Place profiles and comparison pages provide an interface for navigating data, including visualizations for a more useful first look.
City Health Dashboards
Data specific to neighborhood and city boundaries – such as life expectancy, park access, and children in poverty -- to improve the health and well-being of everyone in the community.
Thousands of easy-to-find demographic, education, health, and economic indicators from state and national sources, all in one place. Explore statewide census tracts, zip codes, cities, counties, legislative districts, and more.
Eviction Tracker
The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Eviction Tracker provides access to multi-year trend data on eviction filings for 1,250 counties and municipalities in 30 states and territories across the United States.
Housing Choice Voucher Data Dashboard
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Data Dashboard shows budget and leasing trends, reserve balances, program admissions and attrition, per-unit cost and leasing potential for the program nationally and allows the user to drill down to the state and PHA-level.
Kids Count Data Center
Statistics on children, youth and families in South Carolina
One Spartanburg Data Dashboard
Data on Spartanburg County population, income, labor force, business climate, education, housing, infrastructure and quality of life.
Opportunity Atlas
See where and for whom opportunity has been missing, and develop local solutions to help more children rise out of poverty.
Opportunity Insights Social Capital Atlas
This tool explores social capital in your community and how it connects to children's chances of rising out of poverty.
Racial Equity Index
Data tool designed to help communities identify priority areas for advancing racial equity, track progress over time, and set specific goals for closing racial gaps. It provides a snapshot of overall equity outcomes for cities, counties, regions, and states.
Social Progress Index
Index of water quality, nutrition, safety, health, education, digital access, rights, inclusiveness and more. Provides a holistic understanding of the strengths and vulnerabilities of these states and cities.
Spatial Equity Data Tool
This tool can help government agencies, policymakers, and community advocates easily answer such questions by assessing demographic and spatial disparities in their data.
The Research Center (ALICE)
The Research Center is a one-stop source for exploring the latest ALICE (ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) data, on a national scale down to the local level in their partner states.
US Census Bureau
The census tells us who we are and where we are going as a nation and helps our communities determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets and from homes to hospitals.
US Congressional Districts Health Dashboard
Provides actionable measures of health and its drivers calculated at the congressional district level, showing users how their district is doing on health outcomes, social and economic factors, and more.
2024 Upstate CoC Point in Time Count (PIT)
The Continuum of Care for the Upstate’s Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in JanuaryDescription goes here
Upstate Food Access Interactive Map
It’s no secret that food insecurity is an issue facing many of our neighbors in the Upstate. Fortunately, there are countless organizations and resources working tirelessly to alleviate that stress!
Head over to our Upstate Food Access Resource Map to locate service providers near you!