
What is the Community Indicators Project?

Established in 1987, the Community Indicators Project is a nationally recognized initiative that presents data and engages the community in dialogue and strategy while supporting organizations and individuals as they actively promote civic prosperity by using community indicator data to inform and guide their progress. It examines seven domains (i.e., Indicator Areas) that house key metrics of well-being and quality-of-life in Spartanburg County.

Civic Health

Civic Health Goal - Our citizens will have opportunities for civic engagement that promote well-being and an enriched quality of life.

Cultural Vitality

Cultural Vitality Goal - Our community will increase opportunities for cultural experiences, both formal and informal, and broaden community engagement to be more representative of Spartanburg County’s population.


Our Economy Goal - Our citizens will have access to living wage jobs, and our communities will be economically viable.


Our Education Goal - Our children will excel academically and our citizens will demonstrate high levels of baccalaureate degree attainment, rendering Spartanburg the best-educated county in the state.

Natural Environment

Our Natural Environment Goal - Our citizens will manage our natural resources in a way that will support current and future generations.

Public Health

Our Public Health Goal - Our citizens will be increasingly healthy, demonstrating decreasing incidence and prevalence of health risk factors and poor health outcomes.

Social Environment

Social Environment Goal - Our community will be characterized by stable families, low crime, affordable housing, and access to opportunity.